Monday, August 19, 2013

Mixed Feelings

My 2nd post of the night
I must be on a roll today!

i've spent hours watching Ellen on youtube after dinner with the family! HER VIDEOS ARE CONTAGIOUS! once you start there's no stopping at all! she is so natural you can't help but love her :)

just hours ago i completed the draft i made last week - on cupcakes and not chasing the things that you want.
Chasing the things you want..

Chasing the things you want.....

What if we're chasing the wrong things?
What if we're chasing something that we will not own? Or that something that will be impossible to achieve?
What if we're chasing something that is worth much less than what we're losing in between? -like our time and attention?

do we still not give up and chase after it or do we stop and leave cause its the better thing to do?


What iffs...

All i need to know is if it will be worth it and i will give all that i have into it..
For now I guess its time to surrender. Sometimes there's no use in pretending and trying when your gut tells you its not worth it. I keep telling myself this.. 

I dont want to make a mistake.
But i am afraid if i keep holding back i would never get what i am looking for

If only making decisions was easy..

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